MEDICAL & Orthopedic Massage

Therapeutic Massage incorporates a variety of advanced modalities which enhance the body’s natural restorative functioning. It can be used as a collaborative, supportive addition to conventional medical treatment of illness and injury by alleviating pain and stress, aiding soft tissue healing, and revitalizing the body. Regular massage can enhance health, provide relaxation, release of muscle tightness, relief from anxiety and tensions and balancing many aspects of mind, body and spirit.

Orthopedic Massage (OM) is a type of manual therapy which focuses on the treatment and prevention of muscular-skeletal dysfunction and pain. In addition to treating specific injuries, OM is used to increase range of motion, decrease and manage pain and restore normal body movement and function. It can also help expedite recovery from an activity or competition and alleviate post exercise soreness.


Medical and Orthopedic Massage Therapy are effective for treating:

Sports Massage

Sports Massage is a form of bodywork geared toward participants in athletics.

Medical & Orthopedic Massage

Therapeutic Massage incorporates a variety of advanced modalities which enhance the body’s natural restorative functioning.